Data Summary

Stocked Trout Water Bodies (Points)

2024 - Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

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Many streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs are officially classified as "approved trout waters." This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. The waters in this layer are lakes (not flowing waters) classified as "approved trout waters" and these are open to trout harvest during the "extended season" (see Commonwealth Inland Waters). Unlisted tributary streams (those not included in this list of "approved trout waters") are not open to harvest of trout during the "extended season." Only approved trout waters and all waters downstream of approved trout waters are open during this period. Spearing fish is not permitted in any of these waters at any time of the year. These waters are closed to all fishing (including taking of minnows) from March 1 to 8 a.m. on the opening day of the trout season. Some of these waters have been included in the Early Season Trout-Stocked Waters Program and are open from March 1 through March 31. A person shall be deemed to be fishing if he or she has in possession any fishing line, rod, or other device that can be used for fishing while on or in any water or on the banks within 25 feet of any water where fishing is prohibited. Check with the nearest Fish & Boat Commission office if there is any question about whether or not a water area is "approved." This layer is current through the new fishing regulations released December of 2009 for the 2010 fishing season.